Selasa, 03 April 2012

How To Make Glitter Shadows

Hi ! In This Entry, i want to show you  How To Make Glitter Shadows Effects from PHOTOSCAPE !
Now, i use Katy Perry as example =D
Here The Tutorials !
-Open Search Engine
-Search " KATY PERRY PNG" (or click this :Katy Perry Pic =) )
-Save the pic
-Open Photoscape
-Click "HOME"
-Open ur pic
-Click "Bright/Color"
-Make The Contrast 0%
-The pic will be grey.
-Click "V" on Bright/Color
-Click "Colorize"
-Choose the color what u want
-Click "Noise"
-Make 100% Glittery
-Open the same pic
-Insert the pic behind the glittery, its will like shadows !
-Video Tutorial :How To Make Glitter Shadows Using Photoscape Video Tuitorial

This My edits !

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