Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Swirl Edits Tutorial =D

In this entry, i want to tell you how to Make a Swirl Edit in PHOTOSCAPE =)Here the tutorials:

-Open Photoscape
-Click "Combine"
-Click "Side"
-Drag ur pict 2 times.
-Save ur pict.
-Click "Editor"
-Open ur pict.
-Click Object
-Open ur Swrls (Ucan get swirls here :Purple Swirl =) )
-Save ur pict
-Close photoscape
-Open photoscape again , then click Editor
-Click "TOOLS"
-Click "Clone Stamp"
-Then clone the area what u want to erase the swirls
-Click "Crop"
-Then crop the 2nd area
-Save it !!

That my swirl edits ! =D
Click Here for the video =))
Hope u like it guyss !!

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